
Dr. Christine Renz is now offering therapeutic and cosmetic neuromodular treatment (Botox and Dysport).

The initial consultation and assessment appointment is complementary and can be booked with our front staff by calling 403-247- 9797. At this visit, Dr. Renz will discuss individual goals, treatment options and cost, as well as answer any questions you may have.

Services being offered are as follows:

Therapeutic neurododular treatments:

  1. Hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating of the hands, feet and arm pit areas)
  2. Bruxism (grinding and clenching of teeth)

Cosmetic neuromodular services:

  1. Forehead wrinkles
  2. 2) Frown lines (“the 11’s”)
  3. Crow’s feet
  4. Brow lift
  5. Bunny lines
  6. Down turned mouth (marionette lines)
  7. Lip flip

We welcome you to book in for your complementary consultation today.